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英文资料(English information) 今日: 0|主题: 2156|排名: 27 

版主: jxyiang
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预览 英文书籍免费送:Practical_Ship_Hydrodynamics[实用船舶流体力学] attachment heatlevel  ...234 yzy0515 2010-9-26 356876 zsy123 2023-9-9 13:06
预览 英文书籍免费送:Advances Repair Metallic Aircraft Structure[航空金属结构的修补] attachment heatlevel  ...234 yzy0515 2010-9-26 388530 zsy123 2023-9-9 13:04
预览 ISO 10813-1-2023 attachment shijiazhuang999 2023-9-6 2249 shijiazhuang999 2023-9-9 12:26
预览 英文书籍免费送:Marine Structural Design[海洋结构设计] attachment heatlevel  ...2345 yzy0515 2010-9-26 408715 zsy123 2023-9-9 11:59
预览 英文书籍免费送:Thermochemical Processes 热力学过程原理和模型 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 yzy0515 2010-9-25 15553666 zsy123 2023-9-9 11:50
预览 英文书籍免费送:Metal Foams: A Design Guide[泡沫金属-设计指南] attachment heatlevel  ...234 yzy0515 2010-9-25 367800 zsy123 2023-9-9 11:45
预览 英文书籍免费送:Practical Machinery Management for process plants[实用机械管理] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 yzy0515 2010-9-29 7418910 zsy123 2023-9-9 11:40
预览 Rotor Balancing: Fundamentals for Systematic Processes attachment agree 周子宸 2023-8-19 0381 周子宸 2023-8-19 15:29
预览 101 case studies in construction management_Holm, Len 新人帖 attachment spec1982s 2023-8-16 0306 spec1982s 2023-8-16 14:43
预览 8th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Product Management ... 新人帖 attachment spec1982s 2023-8-16 0294 spec1982s 2023-8-16 14:40
预览 英文书籍免费送:Plastics Materials[塑料材料] attachment heatlevel  ...23 yzy0515 2010-10-3 267403 zsy123 2023-8-10 16:41
预览 英文书籍免费送:Plastics Engineering[塑料工程] attachment heatlevel  ...234 yzy0515 2010-10-4 349278 zsy123 2023-8-10 16:38
预览 Sustainable Carbon Capture Humbul Suleman Philip Loldrup Fosbl etc. attachment hgxh 2023-6-14 0388 hgxh 2023-6-14 14:49
预览 Policy, Regulation, and Innovation in China's Electricity and Telecom Industries attachment WASPCN1971 2023-5-1 0533 WASPCN1971 2023-5-1 14:12
预览 核方面的重要英文文件DCD文件 wyw09 2010-12-25 71604 ShadowZone 2023-4-25 17:14
预览 Analysis of Synchronous Machines Second Edition attachment countryboy66 2022-4-28 41505 wgqlry 2023-4-15 19:03
预览 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第7版2009) attachment heatlevel  ...2345 xzg-666 2011-7-12 438265 LRZZH 2023-3-9 14:49
预览 项目管理知识体系指南(第4版)-英文版 attachment dianlirensky 2012-6-23 41485 coloroff 2023-3-8 16:08
预览 Required Training for Flexible Operation of Coal Fired Power Plants in India attach_img WASPCN1971 2022-6-7 21031 xcy1991 2023-2-16 12:41
预览 World Oil Outlook 2045 - 2020 attach_img WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 31258 xcy1991 2023-2-16 12:40
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